If you missed out on this week’s digital radiography demo days, there is another important way that you can advance your radiography business. Take advantage of our newest financing promotion, with as low as 0% on digital RT systems.
You know that IR is all about NDT. We supply and we service. That includes most of the disciplines, and ultrasonics is a very big part of that. We’ve been in the business of ultrasonics for several years now. As always, our primary focus is on you, our client, and your NDT needs. We take the time to understand those needs and provide you with the solutions that help you build your business. That includes great products, and expert service. We do this by supplying top brands and taking the time to create strategies so that market demands can be met. When it comes to supply chain challenges, we are paying attention and putting plans into place so that you get what you need when you need it. Continue reading Ultrasonics at IR: Where Expertise Meets Availability