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End Broken XRF Detectors Permanently

Introducing DPT from SciAps

SciAps has introduced detector protector technology (DPT), a high-strength window to protect the detector in all of their XRF units.  They are so confident in this new window technology, that they are offering a 3-year warranty on the detector, even for punctures.  So, turn turnings into profits, not aggravation.  If you’re using it on turnings or other things and you puncture a detector, it’s not going to cost you a dime to fix it anymore.  That’s how confident SciAps is about this new technology.

SciAps now offers a 3-year warranty on detectors—even punctures!

Users often jam analyzers in a box or barrel of turnings, usually to compress more of the loose metal pieces.  A common problem is either a weak protector that bows into the detector and breaks it, or a small chard that pokes through the mesh and strikes the detector window.  The SciAps DPT is both rigid—it won’t flex into detector–and has a fine enough grid that turning chards must be less than 100 um, (the diameter of a human hair), to reach through the grid.  The analyzer still works no matter how much it was jammed into the turnings.

Speed wasn’t compromised for toughness.  The analyzer with this new window is still the fastest analyzer on the market for any alloy, especially for aluminum alloys.  It still measures as low as 0.3% Mg in 2 seconds.  This means you can still sort your aluminum alloys accurately and quickly.

For more information on DP Technology from SciAps, visit our website.