The WAVE interactive scan plan has been developed to ease diagnostics on the inspected part. The scan plan can reproduce complex geometries such as curved surfaces and t-joints. Combined with a real-time Raytracer, this unique feature facilitates the distinction between a real flaw and a geometrical indication, thus avoiding unnecessary repair.
The Sonatest UTouch technology allows your device to operate in the same way as a mobile phone. Combined with rugged components and an intelligent algorithm which makes the distinction between couplant and finger, the Sonatest WAVE is the first true industrial touch-screen device on the market.
The WAVE Application Concept combines conformity and performance allowing the operator to customise the user interface according to his/her specific procedure. A lean manufacturing philosophy means less training, with long-term financial benefits. The intuitive user interface with an easy to use display will guarantee workflow optimisation while preventing potential operational errors.
Click to view the Sonatest Wave Interative Flaw Detector Brochure