COVID-19: Our Commitment to You

This page was updated on November 25, 2020 and will continue to be updated as the situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic evolves.

As the number of cases of COVID continues to increase at significant rates, we are reminded to stay diligent in adhering to the health measures that are required by businesses, so that we can continue to serve you in a safe and effective way.

When you come to see us you will note that our staff will wear masks when it is not possible to maintain a 2 meter distance and when moving from their workplace through a public area.  Work and common areas will be sanitized regularly.  In return we ask that you wear a mask and sanitize upon entering our business.  Extra masks will be made available.  We will also ask you to complete a short questionnaire for the purposes of contact tracing.  We want everyone who does business with IR to stay safe.

In Edmonton we are required to keep the number of clients who come to see us limited to 25% of our occupancy set under the Alberta Fire Code.  In order to do this we ask that you call ahead to let us know that you are coming.  At that time, we can take your order by phone and have it ready to pick up when you arrive.  Curbside pickup is available and encouraged.  This goes for our Burlington location too.  Orders can also be made through our website for delivery or pickup at either location.

Some of our staff will be working from home.  That said, they are fully available to support you with any product information.  Online demonstrations are also available.  A list of emails and direct phone numbers can be found on the bottom of this page of our website. Alternatively you can call the main number for either location, and you will be transferred directly to the right person.  We’d love to hear from you.


This page was updated on August 4, 2020.

Our doors remain open to our clients and we continue to evolve our practices as we receive additional guidance for operations.  New city bylaws have now been put into place in the cities of both our locations– Edmonton, AB and Burlington, ON.  These bylaws require masks or face covering be worn in indoor public places, on a mandatory basis.  This means that IR, which operates a public facing business, will now have to ask that anyone who enters our business wear a mask or face covering.  It will also mean that our staff will also be required to wear a mask when meeting you in our public spaces, unless separated by a barrier. If you don’t have a mask with you, we can provide you with one.  We recognize that those with special-case concerns or limitations as outlined by the bylaws may be prevented from wearing a face covering and we respect that.  In those situations we ask that you work with us to ensure a safe distance of six feet is maintained.

At this time, our showrooms continue to be unavailable.  We are instead keeping our client spaces to a size in which we are able to ensure frequent sanitizing.

Additionally, to aid in tracking of COVID-19, we are now asking clients to complete a very brief questionnaire when you come to see us.  This tool will ensure we are able to contact you promptly should we discover that there has been exposure to COVID-19 within one of our locations, or should an outbreak occurs.  We want to keep you and those close to you safe.

All of our earlier health and safety measures outlined below continue to remain in place.  If you have any questions about how we can serve you during this time, please don’t hesitate in giving us a call.


This page was updated on March 23, 2020.

At this time, IR Supplies and Services remains open to our valued clients.

NDT is essential for the safety of infrastructure in many industries.  It is also an important contributor to our economy.  Supporting our clients and their businesses who drive this has always been a primary focus at IR.  To do that at this time, it is imperative that we engage in safety practices that keep the health of our clients and our employees as a priority.

It is for this reason that we have implemented the following safety precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

What you can expect from us:

  • Both of our Edmonton and Burlington locations remain open and are operating with essential staff only. All other staff are working remotely and can be contacted by their email, which can be found on this page, or by calling either our Edmonton or Burlington locations so that your call can be transferred.
  • The doors to our Burlington location will be locked at this time so that we can monitor and manage the traffic coming into our facility, ensuring safe social/physical distancing of a minimum of 2 meters can be achieved. Our Edmonton location remains unlocked at this time, but access to some areas may be limited. Kindly follow the guidance that is offered to you when you arrive.
  • Hand sanitizing stations are located at all of our entrances.
  • Door handles, counters and other areas that receive frequent contact will be sanitized as required between client interactions.
  • Credit card payments will be done electronically; cash will not be accepted.
  • If credit card purchases with the use of the terminal is required, the terminal will be sanitized before and after use.
  • Our employees have the option of wearing gloves and/or masks at their own discretion; our employees may only come to work if they are symptom free.
  • Diligent hand washing by staff will occur after each client interaction.
  • Products that are handled by our employees will be sanitized before being handed off to clients.

What we ask of you:

  • Clients who show symptoms of ANY illness or who have traveled in the past 14 days are asked to please make arrangements with someone else to make your purchase or drop your equipment off on your behalf.
  • Please practice social/physical distancing of a minimum of 2 meters.
  • Where possible, purchases should be made by purchase order, so that physical interactions between us can be kept to a minimum.
  • Consider making your purchase remotely, i.e. by phone, e-mail or through our website.
  • When coming to either of our locations, please call ahead so that we can prepare for your visit. Phone numbers can be found here and will be posted on the doors.
  • If bringing equipment to IR for servicing, you will be supplied with sanitizer to wipe down that equipment so that we can ensure a safe exchange. If equipment is covered in mud or dirt or other removable debris, please take the time to clean it before it is sanitized.

Let’s not forget our shipping and receiving area.

Some of you may ship your goods to and from us.  Closed containers are at low risk, however goods packaged within 72 hours may present some risks. Here is our process:

  • All incoming shipments will be handled with gloves at the employee’s discretion.
  • Sanitization of hands, including handwashing, and/or changing to a fresh set of gloves will be done after each shipment.
  • Items that have been received will be sanitized in an appropriate manner and may be quarantined for a period if practical.

Our courier/carrier practices:

  • Social/physical distancing will be practiced, with the recommended 2 meters distance between each individual.
  • Pens or other writing devices will be sanitized before and after each use.
  • Gloves and masks will be worn at the discretion of the employee; hand washing will occur after each interaction.
  • Courier/carrier personnel will be asked to remain in their trucks and not be allowed to touch any products or surfaces within our locations unless absolutely necessary
  • All equipment used to unload or load common courier/carriers will be sanitized after use. This includes the steering wheels and handles of loading and lifting devices.
  • Paperwork needing signatures will be placed on a location provided by the IR employee, and once the courier/carrier has moved the acceptable distance away–minimum 2 meters–the IR employee will sign the form
  • All surfaces will be sanitized immediately after the courier/carrier has left or returned to their truck

These are uncertain times and extraordinary measures are necessary so that we can get through this together.  As always, we appreciate your business and always welcome your feedback.