July 2017
Hello everyone!
It’s been awhile since I have sent out a letter but we have just wound up our open house event here at IR Edmonton and I wanted to thank everyone for the great turnout and support. It’s always great to see some old friends and make a few new ones.
Our open house was billed as “A Taste of New Orleans”. It was held in conjunction with our maintenance and source retrieval courses developed and run by QSA Global with Mike from the Houston office and Theo from the Baton Rouge office, as the instructors. Theo Ewing the maintenance instructor also brought his immense talents to the kitchen as he prepared his famous Jambalaya and Crawfish Étouffée and as promised it was the hit of the party and didn’t last long.
Mark Sermazeski with Cruelty Free Cartoons, was with us again and as always he entertained like no one else can. Mark is warm, very social, humorous and a great caricature artist who is engaging the world with his exceptional talents. We were very thankful that he took the time out of his very busy schedule to come to our event (he had another event in Vancouver that same night).
Also in attendance was Rebecca Rudolf of Comet, Jeff Darby with Carestream NDT, Charles, (Buddy), Lehmann of QSA Global, and all the way from England James Denton and Steven Shepherd both with JME. Thanks guys and gals it was great having you and the technical information you provide to our clients is always a main highlight and one of the reasons these functions are always so successful.
James and Steven brought JME’s famed crawler, newly updated and redesigned, (I believe it’s the only crawler in the world that meets the RED Act) and their 6.5 MeV Betatrons for display. It is amazing how much power such a small generator can provide, the complete unit would fit in the trunk of most medium size cars. The new crawler incorporates X-ray and can also be converted to use an 880 exposure device as a Gamma crawler.
Rebecca was here to show off our new demo and rental tubes, The 300 KV EVO Smart tube, real beauties that will be ready to go very soon. These new tubes are rugged, and almost operate themselves.
Before I get on to other topics I want to thank our staff as well for all the hard work in preparing for this event, they take the time out of there busy days to help organize and then implement all the necessary arrangements and still put in a full day’s work. Thank you all, you are tremendous and make IR what it is.